Eines Tages war er da: Erasmus von Rotterdam und er lud mich ein mitzukommen... This blog is about my year in Lisbon, the Capital of Portugal

sexta-feira, janeiro 26, 2007

Goodbye Braunschweig - Where is the connection?

To bid farewell is one of the things you have to get used to during an Erasmus Year. Yesterday the first member of Erasmus Lisbon 2006/2007 left us alone, in the coldness of this city without heaters. We will miss Aleka, may you have a great time in Kreta (Greece)! More about her farewell here, I could not have said this better myself.
In order to distract us from all the "saudade", Mr. Prestige (Italy) decided to write a song about Braunschweig, his favourite name of a city in Germany. Furthermore he likes German, studied it a wee bit in Italy and wanted to verbalize his feelings. I helped him a little bit and in the following video you will see me on the DJ board, while Roman is doing the Beatmachine. All that spontaniously; only a small Pimp-Up later.

Enjoy "Braunschweig - Ist das Geilste" the homage to this city.

quarta-feira, janeiro 24, 2007

Picture of the Day II

Cause time is running out and plenty of things to do i can only spoil you with this nice view from the tram number 28 in Lisbon. More than 100 years old and still running like hell, it is the tourist attraction number one to have a ride with this "transport" system.

Within a short time: Reviews about Obidos, Fado, Metro,...

quarta-feira, janeiro 17, 2007

My favourite graffiti

Picture of the day

terça-feira, janeiro 16, 2007


Why not spending one weekend in Porto, clandestine capital of Portugal and beside of Lisbon, with 400.000 people the only large city? Why not doing that with many nice people?
No sooner said than done and faster than David Odonkor the Pensao Estoril was booked for me, Jordi, Roman, Michi, Laura, Susan, Anna, Tobias and Lolo a visitor from Autria. We wanted to pick her up at the airport in Porto.
Lulled in the beauty of Lisbon, we came to a city who seems much more older and completly different. First Porto is so cheap, you pay sometimes half the price in restaurants than in the capital. Second, the houses, the facades are much more colourful, pictorial.

Porto is so different: The dialect, i can not tell you why but i really had less problems than in Lisbon while talking with the habitants of Porto, who are - by the way- absolute friendly, organize maps, explicate things about the city,...
Lisbon and Porto are city enemys, rather the north and the south don't fancy so much, like in Germany or in Italy, where you have a different mentalitly. One guy in front of a café told me:
Lisbon=Be lazy

The view from the other side of the river. You see the reason why Porto is World Heritage Site. 

Such a nice city and than a comercial for Pearce Brosnan, Mr. Ex-Bond, who envelopes the nice church.

After only two hours of sleep, cause the cracking good club scene of Porto casted a spell over us, but still fit to see the city (Well, the others were still in their beds, protected by the sandman)

A must-have in Porto, the obligatory port wine testing, down in the cellars, where the old wine is. This one is from 1890. They never clean them, because dust is good for the quality.
A great weekend; our group did a lot of party and showed Erasmus Porto who wears the pants; Jordi, Michael, Roman and me were watching Wresting, are now dreaming of the "Baptista Bomb", while Laura, Anna, Susan prefered the model big brother "8 oceans" and Tobi was jumping over walls and walls, without shoes and mobile phones, just for adventure; but this is another story of crazy Portugal
...ahh...and Lolo....yeah where the hell is Lolo? Anybody seen her?

More pictures on my flickr account (right side bar, perhaps Lolo is there?)

domingo, janeiro 07, 2007

Rally Dakar - The Start in Lisbon

I alwalys thought this famous race through Africa starts everytime in the City of Love Paris, but the starting point changes every year. So, it's not Paris - Dakar, it is called Lisbon Dakar 2007. The race starts here, passes the desert and Timbuktu, the legendary city in Mali and ends in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. In between are thousands of kilometers of desert, mud and sand. Only 50% of the participants manage to arrive in Dakar.

I am not the crazy motorsport fan, but when such a huge race starts in your city, well...you should visit the action. Even rising up with the sun was no barrier for me.

There are three categories: Cars, Trucks and Motorbikes. Every vehicle has another concept to win; a big engine, trustiness, acceleration, robustness...

This is a VW from Germany.

The elephants of the Dakar Rally, the Trucks

The start was in Belem, a highlight of Lisbon.

The next episode: Görn meets Jutta Kleinschmidt, the Winner of Paris Dakar 2001. Who will be the next VIP on my camera?

Coming to the end, Multimedia-Jörn presents again some youtube videos from the start.

sábado, janeiro 06, 2007

Görn meets the eagle

The next episode of "Görn meets...". This time: The eagle of Benfica Lissabon, a famous mascot of this long tradition club. Sadly, (s)he didn´t talk.

sexta-feira, janeiro 05, 2007

Christmas in Lisbon

The year is all over - Time to look back, the rearviewmirror of christmas in Lisbon. First there was the official Universidade Nova Christmas Party, with a heartbreaking speech about the "University of freedom". More cognitions: "We are a new university, because we are not so old"... Anyway .. the best part was the buffet and the student band. Unfortunately, my video has no sound but you can see the funny dance performance:

Lisbon is totally soaked in christmas, in the Shopping Centers is the only music about green trees and mens with red hats and white beards ... And it's still going on, Christmas last breath is beyond the 26. of December, the Big Day is the 6. of January. Lisbon's street are full of lights, sponsored by VW and other companys, the biggest not real christmas tree of Europe is here as well (the biggest "real" one is in Dortmund) Some impressions:

quinta-feira, janeiro 04, 2007

Back in Lisbon


Back in Lisbon. I had a great time in good old Germany, drinking some excellent beer, eating a lot of delicious food from Mum and meeting wonderful people in the bar of my hometown.
This video is dedicated to the people from Mainz here in Lisbon, a trash Hip-Hop Band and their Video "Directly from Mainz, the number one".

segunda-feira, janeiro 01, 2007

2006 war..

Haare länger oder kürzer?

Da ich mit dem Rucksack unterwegs war einen Hauch kürzer.

Kurzsichtiger oder weitsichtiger?

Mache mir Sorgen um meine Sicht, doch das fortschreitende Alter hat noch keine Wirkung gezeigt. Muss ich jetzt hier klicken??

Mehr ausgegeben oder weniger?

Mehr definitiv. Glaube dass ich das durch WM und Lissabon gut und gerne als Partyjahr abstempeln kann.

Der hirnrissigste Plan?

Spontan mich für Lissabon anzumelden

Die gefährlichste Unternehmung?

Chillen am Sandstrand bei Mainz, während Zeus seine Wut auslässt und der Blitz ca. 20m neben mir einschlägt

Die teuerste Anschaffung?


Das leckerste Essen?

Die kompletten Weihnachtstage waren ein Schmaus

Das beeindruckenste Buch?

Nachtzug nach Lissabon

Der ergreifendste Film?

Deutschland. Ein Sommermärchen. Ich habe geweint

Die beste CD?

Die neue Strokes Platte war spitze

Das schönste Konzert?

Pearl Jam in Lissabon.

Die meiste Zeit verbracht mit…?

Jonathan und den lieben Österreichern

Die schönste Zeit verbracht mit…?

...allen Menschen die mit mir gelacht haben

Vorherrschendes Gefühl 2006?

eine Sinuskurve

2006 zum ersten Mal getan?

im Dezember am Strand gesessen

2006 nach langer Zeit wieder getan?

mich für Deutschland gefreut

Die wichtigste Sache, von der ich jemanden überzeugen wollte?

Dass man sich einfach mal nen Wolf auch über Kleinigkeiten freuen muss

Das schönste Geschenk, das ich jemandem gemacht habe?

mmh vielleicht einfach mein Besuch in Deutschland

Das schönste Geschenk, das mir jemand gemacht hat?

Lissabon von Mr. Erasmus

Der schönste Satz, den jemand zu mir gesagt hat?

What, you are sitting while you piss? (Andrea aus Italien)

Der schönste Satz, den ich zu jemandem gesagt habe?

Hey, you are the singer from Muse?

2006 war mit 1 Wort…?

Anstrengend. Aber von dem guten Gefühl bestimmt, dass wechselnde Winde auch spannend sind. Irgendwie habe ich es geliebt....also GRANDE