Morocco Part Uno: The desert (Finally!)

But now, after weeks (months) i finally can upload pictures and can not wait to tell you about my Africa trip and the great weeks in Portugal/Lisbon.
My first chapter is the desert, our impulse to go to Morocco: One night in this unreal, hostile environment. We wanted to figure out the complete silence, the place on earth were is no live, no light, no sign of human being...and we found.
Well...Of course we did a tourist thing, with a paid guide playing some african drum music, preparing us a fine dinner and telling us things about this place....but we were satisfied, dunes so high that it takes you half an hour to climb them, camels that give you a ride, a sunrise with breathtaking color palette and the damn frostiness in the night!
So here you go: The best pictures of the dunes of Merzouga...More in my flickr pictures on the right side

Only two colors are dominating this environment; Sandy and sky-blue...At night the temperature is around 3/2 degrees, during the day 30/40 depending on the season!

It is so hard to climb these dunes, but it is worthwhile for the view and the fun to jump and trundel down, like i the old days when we were childs...Ahh and if you want to ride one day a camel, buy a good butt protecter. 8km on a camel hurts like hell and you are looking forward to descend from this calm but cruel animal.
Quando vocês voltarem? Estou ficando doida aqui!!!!! Vocês fazem tanta falta, que nao posso fassen em palavras!
Só tenho mais 4 semanas aqui... e a praia já fica óptima!
Voltem logo, sim? Preciso-te mesmo aqui!!!!!!
Beijokas, anna*
segunda-feira, março 12, 2007 12:03:00 da manhã
buenas compadre!
tanto tiempo sin saber de vos!
como te esta yendo en la tierras portuguesas? cuando volves para Alemania?
Yo por el momento estoy en Buenos Aires. Ciudad de mis suenos. quien la conoce, sabe porque.......
me quiero quedar. necesito quedarme. me voy a quedar.
cuando vamos a recorrer Sudamerica juntos?
un fuerte abrazo de tu amigo,
el rojo es mi pasion.
aguante el Bayern Munich y el
C.A. Independiente
quinta-feira, março 22, 2007 7:41:00 da manhã
I still have hope to see the pictures!
Greetings from Rome.
sexta-feira, abril 06, 2007 7:10:00 da tarde
Hey Jörn!!!!!!!
Where are you now?!!
I´ll love know more about yours adventures!!!!!!!!!
Kisses from Brazil!!!!
quarta-feira, abril 18, 2007 3:00:00 da manhã
wie lang dauerts denn noch?
quarta-feira, abril 25, 2007 6:23:00 da tarde
oh das vorhin war ich...
quarta-feira, abril 25, 2007 6:24:00 da tarde
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