Rally Dakar - The Start in Lisbon

I alwalys thought this famous race through Africa starts everytime in the City of Love Paris, but the starting point changes every year. So, it's not Paris - Dakar, it is called Lisbon Dakar 2007. The race starts here, passes the desert and Timbuktu, the legendary city in Mali and ends in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. In between are thousands of kilometers of desert, mud and sand. Only 50% of the participants manage to arrive in Dakar.

I am not the crazy motorsport fan, but when such a huge race starts in your city, well...you should visit the action. Even rising up with the sun was no barrier for me.
There are three categories: Cars, Trucks and Motorbikes. Every vehicle has another concept to win; a big engine, trustiness, acceleration, robustness...

This is a VW from Germany.

The elephants of the Dakar Rally, the Trucks

The start was in Belem, a highlight of Lisbon.

The next episode: Görn meets Jutta Kleinschmidt, the Winner of Paris Dakar 2001. Who will be the next VIP on my camera?

Coming to the end, Multimedia-Jörn presents again some youtube videos from the start.
Hast du die Clips gemacht oder sind die direkt aus den digitalen Tiefen des You-Tube-Sumpfes?
Warum ist der Mann mit den Wuschel-Haaren so traurig? Warum bei verschiedenen Autos? Ist seine ganze Familie in der Rennfahrer-Branche?
Ich verstehe Motorsport nicht...
segunda-feira, janeiro 15, 2007 10:58:00 da tarde
Die Videos sind auf meine Kappe gewachsen, natuerlich... Der lustige Mann mit den schwarzen Haaren kann seine Gefuehle vielleicht selber hier veroeffentlichen....Roman dies ist ein Aufruf, was macht dich so traurig....sind es die mutigen Heroen die nach Dakar aufbrechen; furchtlos, ohne Gnade...
Was ist es?
terça-feira, janeiro 16, 2007 4:02:00 da tarde
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