Christmas in Lisbon
The year is all over - Time to look back, the rearviewmirror of christmas in Lisbon. First there was the official Universidade Nova Christmas Party, with a heartbreaking speech about the "University of freedom". More cognitions: "We are a new university, because we are not so old"... Anyway .. the best part was the buffet and the student band. Unfortunately, my video has no sound but you can see the funny dance performance:
Lisbon is totally soaked in christmas, in the Shopping Centers is the only music about green trees and mens with red hats and white beards ... And it's still going on, Christmas last breath is beyond the 26. of December, the Big Day is the 6. of January. Lisbon's street are full of lights, sponsored by VW and other companys, the biggest not real christmas tree of Europe is here as well (the biggest "real" one is in Dortmund) Some impressions:

danke für zeigen, Weinachtzeit in Lissabon :)
gesundes neues Jahr!dzksas
sábado, janeiro 06, 2007 1:49:00 da tarde
Wow, I love the rhythm of that fancy band...
Quite strange to hear of that extraordinary temperatures in lisboas winter time and to see that amazing decoration in the baixa. Thats christmas at the gates of the mare tenebroso.
Verz nice, thanks a lot for that impressions!!
sábado, janeiro 06, 2007 6:35:00 da tarde
@Joni De nada... Right now it's much warmer than in December, so be prepared for some more beach pictures from yesterday...
@deb Warst du denn nicht in Lissabon während der Weihnachtszeit?
sábado, janeiro 06, 2007 7:07:00 da tarde
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