Italien Dinner

I hope my life here doesn't seem like a big eating orgy, but international dinners are a lot of fun. This time it was the italians turn to prepare a typical dinner. And you could really call it like that. Four main courses and dessert, my stomach was dancing like Mr. Ramazotti and for the digestion i needed the drink of the same title.
Again a great dinner with some wine and an overdose of the Beatles. Thanks Mr. Erasmus and (Mr. Socrates)! Delisioco!

The "Spezzatino con salsiccia e patate" and Jordi (is he thinking about next puzzles? Solve now his second one HERE)
Aperitivo: Focacce e Pizze assortite (Martini branco gelo e limão)via andreas blog
Antipasto: Melanzane alla parmigiana (Vinho verde branco)
Primo: Fusilli col sugo alle zucchine (Cerveja)
Secondo: Spezzatino con salsiccia e patate (Vinho tinto)
Contorno: Pomodoro e mozzarella
Dolce: Biscotti Brutti ma buoni (Amendoa amarga e Vinho do Porto tinto)
Again a great dinner with some wine and an overdose of the Beatles. Thanks Mr. Erasmus and (Mr. Socrates)! Delisioco!

The "Spezzatino con salsiccia e patate" and Jordi (is he thinking about next puzzles? Solve now his second one HERE)
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