
Why not spending one weekend in Porto, clandestine capital of Portugal and beside of Lisbon, with 400.000 people the only large city? Why not doing that with many nice people?
No sooner said than done and faster than David Odonkor the Pensao Estoril was booked for me, Jordi, Roman, Michi, Laura, Susan, Anna, Tobias and Lolo a visitor from Autria. We wanted to pick her up at the airport in Porto.
Lulled in the beauty of Lisbon, we came to a city who seems much more older and completly different. First Porto is so cheap, you pay sometimes half the price in restaurants than in the capital. Second, the houses, the facades are much more colourful, pictorial.
No sooner said than done and faster than David Odonkor the Pensao Estoril was booked for me, Jordi, Roman, Michi, Laura, Susan, Anna, Tobias and Lolo a visitor from Autria. We wanted to pick her up at the airport in Porto.
Lulled in the beauty of Lisbon, we came to a city who seems much more older and completly different. First Porto is so cheap, you pay sometimes half the price in restaurants than in the capital. Second, the houses, the facades are much more colourful, pictorial.

Porto is so different: The dialect, i can not tell you why but i really had less problems than in Lisbon while talking with the habitants of Porto, who are - by the way- absolute friendly, organize maps, explicate things about the city,...
Lisbon and Porto are city enemys, rather the north and the south don't fancy so much, like in Germany or in Italy, where you have a different mentalitly. One guy in front of a café told me:
Lisbon=Be lazy
Lisbon and Porto are city enemys, rather the north and the south don't fancy so much, like in Germany or in Italy, where you have a different mentalitly. One guy in front of a café told me:
Lisbon=Be lazy

The view from the other side of the river. You see the reason why Porto is World Heritage Site.

Such a nice city and than a comercial for Pearce Brosnan, Mr. Ex-Bond, who envelopes the nice church.

After only two hours of sleep, cause the cracking good club scene of Porto casted a spell over us, but still fit to see the city (Well, the others were still in their beds, protected by the sandman)

A must-have in Porto, the obligatory port wine testing, down in the cellars, where the old wine is. This one is from 1890. They never clean them, because dust is good for the quality.
A great weekend; our group did a lot of party and showed Erasmus Porto who wears the pants; Jordi, Michael, Roman and me were watching Wresting, are now dreaming of the "Baptista Bomb", while Laura, Anna, Susan prefered the model big brother "8 oceans" and Tobi was jumping over walls and walls, without shoes and mobile phones, just for adventure; but this is another story of crazy Portugal
...ahh...and Lolo....yeah where the hell is Lolo? Anybody seen her?
More pictures on my flickr account (right side bar, perhaps Lolo is there?)
A great weekend; our group did a lot of party and showed Erasmus Porto who wears the pants; Jordi, Michael, Roman and me were watching Wresting, are now dreaming of the "Baptista Bomb", while Laura, Anna, Susan prefered the model big brother "8 oceans" and Tobi was jumping over walls and walls, without shoes and mobile phones, just for adventure; but this is another story of crazy Portugal
...ahh...and Lolo....yeah where the hell is Lolo? Anybody seen her?
More pictures on my flickr account (right side bar, perhaps Lolo is there?)
i said this before, and i have to say it again: i disagree that porto is completely different than lisbon, in therms of architecture and stuff. if it was another part of lisbon (like belem or cascais or something...), no one would notice, in my opinion.
but anyways, the weekend was awesome, but let's just not start asking again where lolo could be ;-)
quarta-feira, janeiro 17, 2007 5:58:00 da tarde
ich gehöre zu dieser kleinen Gruppe, die beide Städten liebe... obwohl ich richtig aus Lissabon komme...
so ich hasse, wenn man immernoch diese "Unfreundschaft" befolgt!!
(richtig?? na ja, du verstehst was ich meine...)
quarta-feira, janeiro 17, 2007 6:03:00 da tarde
ich gehöre zu dieser kleinen Gruppe, die beide Städten liebe... obwohl ich richtig aus Lissabon komme...
so ich hasse, wenn man immernoch diese "Unfreundschaft" befolgt!!
(richtig?? na ja, du verstehst was ich meine...)
quarta-feira, janeiro 17, 2007 6:03:00 da tarde
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