Eines Tages war er da: Erasmus von Rotterdam und er lud mich ein mitzukommen... This blog is about my year in Lisbon, the Capital of Portugal

quarta-feira, outubro 25, 2006

Menschen (3) + das Jordi Rätsel

 Marta und Jordi aus Barcelona. Sie studiert Kommunikation, er Journalismus. Jordi und ich sind auf einer Wellenlänge. Letztens meinte er: "I know the german name of a law. It was during the time of the reunion, when the boarders on Germany were gone. The name was "tzulvräin" (Undeutliche Aussprache)." Mittlerweile weiss ich was er meinte, aber versucht euch selbst. Was meinte Jordi? Kommentare erwünscht... Die die es schon wissen bitte ich von der Teilnahme abzusehen. Der Sieger erhält bestimmt ein Geschenk aus meiner prallgefüllten Erasmuskasse.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Is this da best foto that u have of the party? I can't believe it...
Oh, yeah, can u send me some fotos of the fridays party at jordianglesfarre hotmaildotcom (i dont write it correctly cause im sure that im going to recieve a lot of spam).

quarta-feira, outubro 25, 2006 6:56:00 da tarde

Anonymous Anónimo said...

Zeugen Jehovas??

sexta-feira, outubro 27, 2006 3:43:00 da manhã

Blogger Görn said...


sexta-feira, outubro 27, 2006 3:20:00 da tarde

Blogger Görn said...

Hey Jordi..

Podes dar-me tua dirección web de flickr. Después tu recibes las fotografías, vale?


sexta-feira, outubro 27, 2006 3:35:00 da tarde

Anonymous Anónimo said...

Meinte er vielleicht den Souverän?


Drücker in die Ferne

dein Schwesterchen

sábado, outubro 28, 2006 6:52:00 da tarde

Anonymous Anónimo said...

"Zu Geheim" vielleicht

domingo, outubro 29, 2006 1:50:00 da manhã

Blogger Görn said...

Nein, beides falsch. Die Lösung hat mehr mit der Grenze und ihrer Behandlung zu tun


domingo, outubro 29, 2006 7:36:00 da tarde

Anonymous Anónimo said...

und stimmts??

terça-feira, outubro 31, 2006 11:29:00 da manhã

Anonymous Anónimo said...

Ok, Goern, I dare it.
Is Jordi referring to some kind of "Zollvereinigung", eg new conditions to deal with customs after the border had vanished?
At least, thats what I can imagine to read in Jordi brabbling...sorry Jordi

So, whats up with my present? ;))


quarta-feira, novembro 01, 2006 6:38:00 da tarde

Blogger Görn said...

Congratulations Jonathan!

We have a winner!! I´ll accept your answer "Zollvereinigung". In a sense he told us "Zollverein" (after he spelled it, more or less, we catched it), but your solution could be true too.

Well... Cheer now!

quinta-feira, novembro 02, 2006 12:40:00 da manhã

Anonymous Anónimo said...

Thanks, thanks!

Well, actually my first guess was "Zollverein", but this term was used for the federation of german states in 1833/34:

It has been used for the later integration of several states until the end of the 19th century, but not afterwards. Thats why I decided to prefer "Zollvereinigung"
Nevertheless, i grapped the jackpot! Hurraaaaa!
Bist du bald mal wieder skypemäßig zu erreichen? Ich brauch ne Dosis Görn...Adios!

sexta-feira, novembro 03, 2006 9:02:00 da manhã

Blogger Görn said...

MMh gerade eben schlecht...siehe neuer post

sexta-feira, novembro 03, 2006 4:31:00 da tarde


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